Thursday, May 21, 2009

flag a cab

i flagged down a police cab thinking its it was cab. and the police car stopped and the policemen smiled at me! (: i was freaked out but i smiled. ah! what a day!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


why do i get stuck in the middle while trying to help? how is it that a call gets directed somewhere else and someonelse spoke on the phone? Did you even make sure it was the right number before you raised your baseless assumption? what kind of prank was that that got me really worried about my loved one.

whatever it is, i hope my loved one does not get hurt. it just hurts me to see him without a smile. i want him and his girl to be happy and i will do anything for that.

i have been feeling so feverish and i get bad coughs at times but still i stood strong. even the doctor said, you are not allowing yourself to fall ill. i wish i get better. i should just fall ill and get it over and done with perhaps!

Friday, May 15, 2009


Raj called me yesterday! His good friend Jeremy James is actually my second cousin! The son of the only guy whom i dislike in my mother's side of the family! DANNY! of all people!! Man, this country is really small i must say!

Shana called me again today! (: so glad to hear her say something! (: double yes AHH!! Im feeling really feverish but im happy!