Friday, May 16, 2008

surash and santhiran

my arrogant cousin and brother came to my house today.
i think they are the first ones in heaven-knows-how-many-years to step into my house as visitors.yes, its true. we havent had any visitors at all as far as i can remember. all thanks to dearest dad! (if u know what i mean)

Julia gabriel? Lets see how it goes :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

update is soon

i have alot to update but am plain lazy!
sooon alrights?
and stop buggin me stupid iqbal.
i have said, havent i? BAS!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

may day

went to patti house.
today is the 4th death anniversary of my grandfather.
ate vegetarian.
but of course i had to lie that it was really nice.
so make up for the veg mean, i ate lots of meat later on :)
i pranked this guy, ruban's friend.
and its proven once again that guys are just flirts.
it does not matter whether they are good looking or not.
my uncle was showing some old videos.
realized that my father looked kinda handsome when he was young.
like so whatever!
and all of a sudden, i get so many video calls.
all thanks to M1 and their promotions.
and someone pranked me today as well.
funny shit!

special thanks to someone who made my day with a simple sms :)

ruban room.
